Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Andean Fusion  Andean Sikuri  Dreams 
 2. Alpamayo  Sikuri de Despedida - Sikuri (  Magic Flute and Music from the 
 3. Illary Peru  Sikuri  Dawn In The Andes 
 4. Alpamayo  Promesas - Sikuri (D.R,. - Per  Magic Flute and Music from the 
 5. World in Our Backyard  Sikuri The Sailing In  2007FRC excerpts 
 6. Inca Dreams  Andean Spirit  The Magic Tunes of the Andes 
 7. Inkuyo  Andean Traditions  The Double-Headed Serpent 
 8. Ancient Cultures  Andean Dance  EL Camino Real  
 9. Bolivia Manta  Sikuri de Italaque (Camacho, B  Anata 
 10. The Chiara String Quartet  Tarqueada from Leyendas, an Andean Walkabout by Gabriela Lena Frank   
 11. President George W. Bush  President Bush Signs H.R. 7222, the Andean Trade Preference Act Extension - October 16, 2008  Presidential Speeches & Remarks 
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